Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Any Regular Day...

Not much to report on today except that I vegged out the first half of the day.  Woke up with a bit of a scratchy throat and that feeling in your glands that something is about arise.  I hung out in bed and snuggled up with PD and did NOTHING and it felt great!

After focusing on doing absolutely nothing, I decided to go out and search for some face paint to play around with the girls.  I am inspired to create a masquerade look and do a video tutorial.  I've never done one before but, hey, there is a first time for everything.  Wish me luck and I'll post it whenever I actually get to do it.  :-)

TODAY'S HOLIDAY:  National Pencil Day
The girls helped me create a pencil sunburst to help celebrate this joyous day devoted to lead.  Put down the pens folks and pick up a pencil.  Draw something beautiful!  Have a great evening!


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