Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Great Thing About Being A Mom...

It's a rainy night here in Texas AGAIN.  What up with the weather?  I tuck my girls into bed and the thunder storms start.  Emma and Gracie get so upset and just start freaking out.  I start getting a little freaked out myself when a wave of calmness passes over me, I grab the girls, sit on the bed and proceed to tell them what my father used to tell me....

"Let's imagine we are in a bowling alley", I tell them.  "It's noisy, there are people talking and laughing, balls are rolling down the alley one right after the other and the lights flash on and off everytime someone hits a strike".  The girls immediately light up.  I tell them that the thunder is the sound of those balls and the lightening is what happens when the pins get knocked down.  They ask me what the rain is so I had to dig deep and I must admit I scraped the bottom of the barrel on this one.  "God is so happy when the angels hit a double that he cries out in happiness!"  Again, the girls light up brighter than the lightening outside.  "NO WAY?" Emma yells out.  She runs out of the room and returns with a pen and paper and says, "Okay, we need to keep score because it sounds like they're hittin Turkeys up there Mom".  Ha!  Are you serious?  I couldn't help but smile.

Paiger was a happy camper at that moment and I couldn't hug my girls tighter.
I love being a Mommy to those two little Monkeys!

Have a great evening everyone and if there is a thunderstorm coming your way...just cheer on the angels that they're hitting Turkeys upstairs.
Mucho Love,  Paiger


Amy V said...

Love it. what a great post! :)

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