Thursday, March 18, 2010

Takin A Sick Day...

I'm on a mission today to NOT get sick.  Last night I started feeling the crud and felt it worse this morning. After running my errands and doing all my chores for the day, I decided it was time to take my vitamin C and all the herbalistic rememdies I could find in the house and crawl into bed...BUT....not before taking on a very small crafts project.  I'm falling back into a touch of my 80's glam rock look so I took one of my favorite cheapo shirts from Target and decided to tear it up a bit.  I'm diggin the look!  I even took a pic of my sick 'ol self to show you what I'm talking about...left my snotty face out of it though.  Ha ha ha.

Have a great day everyone and please stay healthy out there!  Mucho love!

TODAY'S HOLIDAY:  "Awkward Moments Day"
My favorite go-to awkward moment was during the holidays...I'm super focused when I'm doing my Christmas shopping at the mall.  I have a list, I follow that list and I get in and get out as quick as possible.  Everytime I walk passed the kiosks I knot up like a giant stress ball because those people are so intense and aggressive tring to sell their sand paintings, straightening irons or magic exfoliating body scrub made from sea salt, kelp and Neptunes fingernails..... whatever.  Anyway, to avoid these enthusiastic sales people, I always pretend I'm on the phone.  It's always an intense phone call.  I will act like I'm doing business, telling a story to my friend or having a heated discussion of how I couldn't find that thing that I couldn't find at that store.  My awkward moment comes in from last Christmas.  Imagine it...I'm walking by the kiosk lady, she tries to talk to me, I graciously put my finger up as if to say, "allow me to finish my conversation please."....and.....then my phone rings.  BUSTED!!!!  


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