Thursday, July 15, 2010

Hello Friends...

How are you all doing?  I've been away for about two weeks now which feels like forever.  I was a big baby about my hand and didn't feel like blogging and then we went out of town with the kiddos to have some fun on the Texas coast....Complete with a brilliant sand castle made by our cousin and all the children.

My hand is almost all the way healed.  Still swelling but the brace is off and I'm using it just fine.  As I keep saying, it is turning out to be such a great summer with all our friends and family that we are able to spend time with.  I've been working on new projects to offer through Paiger's Creations and I'm getting prepared for school to start next month.  

I just wanted to let you all know that I have not fallen off the face of the earth...just super distracted.  
I pray that you are all having a great summer.  Stay safe, stay sunburn free and hydrate hydrate hydrate!

Con Molto Amore, Paiger


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