Sunday, June 13, 2010

I Saw God Today..

I love when I have an opportunity to witness the beautiful artwork of God and today's showing was truly spectacular.

Got to Sunday service a little later than usual and seating was difficult to find but we found a few by the hearing impaired section.  We got there right as the worship songs began.  I usually find myself moved to tears during this time while I reflect on the amazing life the Lord has provided me but this morning was a little more special as I watched the woman translating the songs in sign language.  It was beautiful and powerful watching the people sign back along with the music.  It didn't matter whether we could hear or not...we were all worshiping together.  We were loving our Lord and praising him for the life he has given us and we were doing it together.

I then watched as communion was passed to one another.  A gentleman signed to his friend, "Jesus died for you" and then his friend replied back, "Thank You Brother".
Those two simple sentences had so much power and I saw God in that moment.  

God is everywhere and in everything.  Let's all take the time to stop and look for him and we will see such beauty and love in the world.  May this week show you that you are a beautiful sculpture in God's great gallery.  The trials we all go through is God chiseling and molding us to be perfect in his eyes.  We are his children and he loves us greater than we will ever understand.  Have a beautiful night!

Con Molto Amore (with much love), PAIGER


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