When I was about 13 years old, living in New Jersey, I remember ditching school to spend a day in New York with my girlfriend. We wanted to pretend we were in our twenties, career women who owned the town. It was a great day hitting the foot long hot dog stands and cruising around central park admiring how the buildings tower over the trees. I was stopped in my tracks at the first glance up at the twin towers. In one second I was reminded of how truly small I am in such a large world. 

I would have never imagined that one day I would be looking down at the same pieces of that magnificent creation that I gazed so high upon. It used to reach to heaven and now a pile of rubble. I visited ground zero with my sister this past April and even though I "thought" I was prepared to see what I saw...I had forgotten the impact the towers had on me when I was younger. My emotions started in as we approached the site.
Once we got closer, I couldn't breath and just wanted to cry. It hit me all the lives lost, the pain, the loves that people lost...it was a lot to take in and no one can be prepared for it.
Those towers hovered over the city welcoming everyone to come and enjoy what the greatest city in the world had to offer. They were powerful, they stood strong and in a split second...crushed to the ground by people who just don't get it.
Never forget to love one another. Weather we are black or white, gay or straight, rich or poor, forgiving or not...we were ALL created by the Lord. It doesn't matter what country you come from...we are ALL his children. Let's remember how we all came together on September 11th to be a better world and let's keep it going. Help the ones on the streets when they have no one else to turn to. Let's get involved in our Churches to help guide each other through those questions of, "Why did God allow this to happen?" Let's meet our neighbors and invite them in for dinner to help make your community better.
Let's just never stop trying and absolutely NEVER stop remembering.
You are all beautiful children of God allowing his light to shine through you.
YOU are magnificent!
Con Molto Amore,
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