Well I did and actually still do.
AND now I am the proud parent of two little new NSYNCers.
Emma and Gracie came home from school the other day and ran to the computer where I have my collection of all the great tunes from the boy band that gave six packer ab JT his start....they hit play and started dancing around the house singing the songs word for word. Oh yes, I was a very proud mama!
I know all of you haters out there are rolling your eyes at me right now but...for those of us who went to countless concerts, tried to get into a meet and greet, saved our cash to buy anything with the name NSYNC and made it our mission to know everything there was to know about these boys...it was a blast, wasn't it?
Whether you were 15 or 21...doesn't matter. You are and always will be a fan.
Now on to the next generation of NSYNCers...may they have a reunion some day! Ha ha ha.
Have a great afternoon!
"Bye, Bye, Bye"
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