Saturday, September 4, 2010

Another Thought About The Power Of Friendship...

This evening gave me a wonderful chance to spend time with some amazing people.  First half of the night was spent with my mother, sister and brother.  They came over tonight to celebrate my sister Dana's Sweet 16.  We had decorations, An Italian feast, presents and just the greatest time.  Everytime I see my brother and sister I feel a constant connection full of love, fun and understanding...even if we may not agree with our music tastes.  LOL
Seeing my mom is always special.  We just sit and talk about everything and I am reminded of not just what a great mother she is to me but of what a great friend too.  I can share anything with her without judgement or disappointment.  I love you mom!

The night ended with my best friend coming over from across the street with one of her friends and the night turned into a deep conversation of losing ones closest to you, boyfriends who take advantage of you and how us three woman are on a path to allow God to remind us of who he wants us to be and get on that path.  There was a very special bond that happen tonight and I felt closer to these beautiful women more than ever.  Without friendship with peers or family...makes life difficult and boring.

Hang on to those people who are there to support you, to encourage you and to tell you that you are worth so much more than what you think you are,

Thanks Dave, Dana, Mom, Patricia, Christina and of course the love of my life...Deano

Con Molto Amore, PAIGER


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