I've been out of the blogging world for a couple days due to the crud STILL going around. I wanted to first tell you Happy Late Easter and I hope it was a blessed day for all of you filled with fuzzy bunnies and lots of candy.
This past Saturday we had a great opportunity to hang with our friends, Dave and Kari, who we haven't seen in at least a year. They invited us out to see their friends, Capital Suspects, play at a local sushi bar. There is nothing better than some great sushi and live rock and roll. The band is awesome. They do all these covers of mostly eighties rock with a mix of alternative and a little pop music thrown in. Check them out on their website and definitely follow them on Facebook. http://www.capitalsuspects.com/Home_Page.php
The night was awesome and not just because of the music...but the friends! I realized that night just how much I had missed Dave and Kari and how much their friendship means to Dean and myself. They are an amazing couple who make you feel as special as possible. Everytime we see them they bring some kind of random cool gift for the girls....along with lots of candy (yeah, thanks for the sugar guys. Ha ha ha). I can't put it into words to do them justice except to say that I pray everyone has a "Dave and Kari" in their life.
Tell the people who matter in your life that you love them and you are better for knowing them. If you've been fighting with a buddy or a loved one...push your fear aside and take that first step to make amends. Life is too short not to hold tight all the ones that matter. While I'm on a roll, I wanted to thank the small little group of you out there that actually enjoy my rants and goofiness. You're positive comments and emails make me so happy! Much love to all of you and thanks again Dave and Kari for being in my life...I am a better person for knowing you two. Love you, "Pokey"
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