This past weekend I went to San Marcos to help my girlfriend, Jennifer, celebrate her little girl turning 5. She had asked me to make a cake for the event which I was absolutely honored to do.
Now me and Jennay met in college that is. We were in the same math class and would usually copy eachothers homeowork before class everyday (sorry for ratting you out girl. LOL). Once the semester was over we lost contact and that was that....until one day about a year later we ran into eachother working for Dell Computers. She got hired in my department and her cubicle was right next to mine. From that day on we were inseperable. We worked together, got an apartment together and had eachothers back on EVERYTHING. This wonderful person has been beside me through some traumatic situations in my life. She helped me through a divorce, my many illnesses, new relationships, pregnancies and just Paiger trying to find herself. We also share a bond of losing a parent to illness. Jennay lost her mother to Lou Gehrig's Disease and three months later to the day, I lost my father to a brain tumor. She has been a constant in my life while never judging me and always being there to back me in every decision I made...even if she knew it might be a mistake. You better believe that she was there once that mistake was made to comfort me and help pick me back up.
After I married my wonderful hubby Dean and had my second little princess, Jennay and I lost touch again for six years. I know! Right?? Well, this weekend we broke that streak and came face to face to celebrate her little princess having a birthday. It blows me away how God has kept bringing us back in eachothers lives. He's really letting us know that no matter what...our friendship will truly last. She is my best friend, she is my "sister" and now watching her as a wife and a mother makes my heart just want to burst.
JENNAY: You have grown so much from that first day I met you sitting outside ACC not really caring about algebra! Ha ha ha. You are still the most supportive and caring friend I've ever known but now you radiate this glow of being a mom and it's just awesome to be able to experience that together. I loved watching you with the kids on Saturday and felt so much excitement for our future together in raising our kiddos, having our hubbies meet and hang in the man cave and just being there for eachother again. You are an amazing person and I thank God for your friendship everyday.
Love ya bestest froggy friend.
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