Wednesday, April 7, 2010

On A Serious Note...

Hello Everyone!
I hope you had a great day today!

I'm taking a bit of a serious moment tonight on this blog.  I had a little bit of a challenge today that I wanted to share with you.  Without boring you all with the details, I had an experience today in my doctor's office that just ruined my morning.  First of all, let me tell you that it was not a big issue and I am totally healthy, unlike my past traumas that I will share with you all in a later date if you're interested.  Anyway, this doc that I see has always been rude, never explains things enough, treats me like a new patient every time I see him and snaps at me when I ask questions.  Now before you assume I'm whining, let me tell you...I am!  I consider myself a very low maintenance patient.  I don't demand a lot from my physicians but what I do expect is someone who generally cares about me and doesn't make me feel like a burden.  I have decided to "fire" him and move on.  It's time to stand up for myself and turn this into a positive.

What I wanted to say to you ladies out there is...You know your body, you know it better than anyone and you know if something is wrong with it.  Never be afraid to tell your doc everything you feel and think.  Never let yourself feel like a burden to him/her.  Never doubt yourself.  It is your body!  You owe it to yourself to fight for and protect it.

Thank you for reading my rant.  Always remember that you are all beautiful.

TODAY'S HOLIDAY:  No Housework Day
I absolutely took advantage of this by not doing any housework...well, maybe some dishes but, I really did try NOT to do any.


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