Sunday, May 9, 2010

My Poor Nugget... Paiger is a klutz!  I went down to Lockhart yesterday to help my mother-in-law pack up her house that she is leasing out in order to live with us.  Things were going really well.  We were getting a lot done until it was time to move her curio cabinet.  There was a large piece of wood on the top of it that serves only a decorative purpose and it was not attached to the top for whatever reason.  The cabinet started teetering once we began shuffling it across the room and in a split second, the large decorative piece of wood fell down and cracked me right on the head.  OUCH!!!  I have to admit, quite a few bad words came flying out of my mouth coupled with many "F" bombs.  Once it stopped throbbing, I went on moving the case.  I felt something wet on my forehead and figured it was because I was working up quite a sweat...until I wiped it away with my hand only to find that it was red.  Again...more bad words!  I cleaned myself up and had to snap some pictures of it.  It really doesn't look that bad but it did hurt like a MoFo...

I ended up with a slight concussion, I think.  Last night I was real sick, couldn't keep my eyes open and was super dizzy.  Today was a little better though.  Still had a headache this morning but it's gradually going away.

Me pouting cause I'm such a baby!

Now for the happy stuff...
I woke up this morning to breakfast in bed made by my husband and the girls.  They made me eggs and bacon with a banana and a Gluten Free chocolate bar.  I even had and RC cola to help me wake up.  Yum!
Once we got home from church, I took a two hour nap and then hung out with the girls while they played with their friends.  It was a simple day, a relaxing day and a day of reflection on my life and how wonderful I truly have it.  I thank God for my life.  I thank him for allowing me to be the mommy of these two beautiful little girls, the wife of a man who God sculpted to be my perfect match in every way and to be an artist and create for a living.  I love all three of my jobs!  

Happy Mothers Day to all you beautiful women out there.  
Mucho Love, Paiger


Unknown said...

So sorry to hear about your booboo. Scary though. I'm glad to hear you are oky bv. Sounds like you had a great Mother's day. We are both very blessed to have the families we have. Heres to many more Mommy days. Happy belated!

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