That place is the gorgeous Bethesda Fountain within Central Park in NY. Last time I was there I was 12 and now 21 years later...I was back. My wonderful sister, Kim planned to take me to NY during my visit with her and her family in New Jersey this past weekend. I was so excited!
Unfortunately, the fountain was under construction when we arrived but that didn't stop me from soaking in every last moment of being there.....
A beautiful place...
and my go to for relaxation. I's just gorgeous there, even with the most well-known part covered up.
To finalize my visit with my long lost friend named Bethesda...I picked up a breathtaking photo from a photographer selling her work around the park and she even framed it for me.

Thank you NYC for being a wonderful city with so much to share (more beautiful sites to come in future blogs) and thank you Bethesda Fountain for being my perfect get-a-way. I often have visions of sitting by the water with my strawberry cucumber smoothie (it used to be a warm bagel and coffee but, Gluten Free living has changed that). I sit by the water with my notebook, drinking my smoothie and writing my masterpiece novel! Thank you for helping that dream along.
Have a great night everyone and of course....MUCHO LOVE, Paiger
Great Post!!! Well said...I love NYC so much(- the car bomber of course) and it was so nice sharing it with you I love you so much. I am so proud of you and the person you have become.
Love, Kimmi
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