Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Something To Smile About...

So, it's been a rainy day in Texas which cancelled my plans to take the little ones to the park for a picnic.  We spent the morning creating flowers from construction paper...

Not too bad for only finding blue and black paper!

After watching Monsters vs Aliens, making homemade spring rolls, cleaning house, paying bills and doing laundry I sat down and searched through some old photos on my laptop.  I wanted to share two of them with you.
How can you NOT flip out over this?  

This one is just beautiful and brilliant!

Not much too write about today.  I'm looking forward to tomorrow playing in the park with the kiddos and enjoy some sunshine.  Have a wonderful evening and a bright tomorrow.  

Enjoy the beautiful symphany that is LIFE!


Dan said...

I laughed out loud at the hot dog!

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