Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Put Up Y'all......

While watching my "guilty pleasure", Chelsea Lately, I was educated on a new term...

Put Up!  Ross Mathews, who I think is just hilarious and a total sweety pie, said that instead of putting someone down...put em up!  Love it.  Instead of insulting a person and making them feel bad...just pay them a simple compliment and you'll be surprised how much it means to them and how much it warms your heart.  Thank you Ross!

It's funny how my day can begin on such a positive note and then I go to a store or restaurant where there is someone working who clearly hates their job.  They will give bad service or just be downright "snippy" and it blows my morning.  The best thing I can do for them is just smile and try to say something nice.  Now mind you, that's not always the case.  I'll react bad, storm out of there, slam my car door and say some form of a curse word....hey, I'm human.  But I just love the idea of the Put Up.  It's a cute reminder to myself to not take it personaly and to be kind to everyone.  You never know...it could make someones day.

Now I can tell myself to put up or shut up.  LOL

Con Molto Amore Everyone!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fearful Courage...

This morning was a powerful service and really stuck with me.  We had a guest speaker at our church (Hill Country Bible in Austin Texas) who is a pastor at an associate church in Gonzales TX, Jesse Elizondo.

He spoke of COURAGE and asked how courageous do we live our lives?
He asked if we Speak Up to call others to join the cause of following God's word?
He asked if we Stand Up for the right in the face of wrong?
Do we Step Up to follow God whatever the cost may be to us?
And finally, do we Set A Pattern and expect the greater reward, God's reward of eternal life?

It was powerful and really made me look at myself and demand the answers to these questions.  God has provided us an amazing world full of beauty and love and I know, for myself, I take advantage of that.  God is everywhere and his love surrounds us but, I tend to abandon my courage to fight for it.  During these past few weeks of recovering from surgery I felt so weak and beat down.  I felt a victim.  Now, a little stronger, I feel like a fighter.  A fighter who wants to take on the weaknesses of my body and beat them down.  I know only God can give me the courage to do that and the courage to share that fact with all of you.

Courage is not the absence of fear but doing what you fear the most.  Be strong and courageous!

Con Molto Amore,