Thursday, September 16, 2010

Harley And An Ice Pack...

Day four after surgery was pretty good.  My neck was a little on the sore side today but what better way to deal with it than to have my trusty monkey, Harley and an ice pack?  It did wonders!

Harley was made for me at Build-A-Bear in Houston in 2002 for my birthday.  My dad, my sister, and my brother all put a heart in him before we built him together and we all named him Harley for my love of motorcycles.  I love that little Monkey and when my little darlings aren't stealing him from me, he is on my bed.  This past week he has been by my side along with PD (the greatest little min pin in the world especially since he tolerates the cat sneaking in some snuggle time).


They have all kept me company while Deano was at work and the girls at school.  I couldn't have asked for a better recovery this week.  Tomorrow I go to the doc to remove my stitches and draining tube which I'm not looking forward to but, hey, once it's over I'll feel so much better.

Every day I feel more and more like myself.  Swelling is going down slowly but surely and the pain is less every day.

Again...I want to thank all of you for your kind emails, phone calls and texts wishing me the best and keeping me in your prayers.  You are all wonderful and I love having you a part of my blogging family.  A friend of mine told me yesterday that with all the physical drama I experience, it might be wise to just wrap me in bubble wrap.  I got such a kick out of that and still can't stop laughing.  She called it alright.  Paiger wouldn't be Paiger without all the injuries and surgeries.  I guess it just keeps things interesting.  Still...I can't thank you all enough for taking a day to walk in my shoes.  

Happy Friday to all of you tomorrow and I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Con Molto Amore,

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Walk To Defeat ALS - Lou Gehrigs Disease In South Texas...

Many years ago my girlfriend, Jenny lost her mom to Lou Gehrig's Disease.  It was actually three months to the day before my father lost his battle with a brain tumor.  So, needless to say we have been there for eachother in huge ways while dealing with our losses.  This is something that is important for me to do not just to be there for Jennay but by the Grace of God...make a difference.  That's why I'm calling on all my blogger family to help.  Whether you donate $5 or $50, will be a tremendous help in researching this wicked disease that doctors are STILL trying to figure out.  There are some breakthrough's happening but, all of us can help push that along with our donations and hard work.  I have listed a link below that you can click on to donate or to sign up to walk with us.  Our team is Carol's Courageous Angel's and my name is Paige Royal.

Thank you for helping me reach my Walk to Defeat ALS(TM) fundraising goal! This is an exciting opportunity for us to work together to support those affected by Lou Gehrig's Disease and to spread awareness of the urgency to find treatments and a cure.

Please consider walking with me or sponsoring me. With your help, we will be able to make a difference in the lives of people affected by this disease. I encourage you get your friends, family, neighbors and coworkers involved!

Why We Need Your Help
Often referred to as Lou Gehrig's Disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive, fatal neuromuscular disease that slowly robs the body of its ability to walk, speak, swallow and breathe. The life expectancy of an ALS patient averages 2 to 5 years from the time of diagnosis.
Every 90 minutes a person in this country is diagnosed with ALS and every 90 minutes another person will lose their battle against this disease. ALS occurs throughout the world with no racial, ethnic, or socioeconomic boundaries.
This crippling disease can strike anyone. Presently there is no known cause of the disease though support is bringing researchers closer to an answer. In the mean time it costs an average of $200,000 a year to provide the care ALS patients need. Help make a difference and donate or join a walk today.

Anything you can do would be so appreciated.  Our Goal is to reach $3000 but we pray that God provides more to help all those who are suffering find some answers and hopefully some peace.

Thank you all so much for taking the time to read this and if there are any questions...please do not hesitate to comment below.

Good night all you beautiful people out there who take their walks in Paiger's Shoes.  You mean the world to me.  God Bless You!

Con Molto Amore,

Day After Surgery...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Pain In The Neck...

Alright my blogger family...wish me luck.  Tomorrow morning I am headed into surgery to get a fiesty lymph node removed from my neck.  I just wanted to thank all those who have emailed me and sent their best wishes and prayers.  Thank you so much.

I will post in the next few days after anesthesia wears off and give y'all an update.  I'm a little nervous about it all but plan on hitting the sack early tonight so I can get up and get it over with too move on to the road of recovery.

Have a great Sunday night everyone and thank you all again!
Con Molto Amore,

Friday, September 10, 2010

We Haven't Forgotten...

When I was about 13 years old, living in New Jersey, I remember ditching school to spend a day in New York with my girlfriend.  We wanted to pretend we were in our twenties, career women who owned the town.  It was a great day hitting the foot long hot dog stands and cruising around central park admiring how the buildings tower over the trees.  I was stopped in my tracks at the first glance up at the twin towers.  In one second I was reminded of how truly small I am in such a large world.   

I would have never imagined that one day I would be looking down at the same pieces of that magnificent creation that I gazed so high upon.  It used to reach to heaven and now a pile of rubble.  I visited ground zero with my sister this past April and even though I "thought" I was prepared to see what I saw...I had forgotten the impact the towers had on me when I was younger.  My emotions started in as we approached the site.

Once we got closer, I couldn't breath and just wanted to cry.  It hit me all the lives lost, the pain, the loves that people was a lot to take in and no one can be prepared for it.

Those towers hovered over the city welcoming everyone to come and enjoy what the greatest city in the world had to offer.  They were powerful, they stood strong and in a split second...crushed to the ground by people who just don't get it.

Never forget to love one another.  Weather we are black or white, gay or straight, rich or poor, forgiving or not...we were ALL created by the Lord.  It doesn't matter what country you come from...we are ALL his children.  Let's remember how we all came together on September 11th to be a better world and let's keep it going.  Help the ones on the streets when they have no one else to turn to.  Let's get involved in our Churches to help guide each other through those questions of, "Why did God allow this to happen?"  Let's meet our neighbors and invite them in for dinner to help make your community better.  
Let's just never stop trying and absolutely NEVER stop remembering.

You are all beautiful children of God allowing his light to shine through you.

YOU are magnificent!

Con Molto Amore,

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Nsync Is Not "Gone"...

Alright ladies!  Tell me...who didn't love NSYNC?

Well I did and actually still do.  
AND now I am the proud parent of two little new NSYNCers.

Emma and Gracie came home from school the other day and ran to the computer where I have my collection of all the great tunes from the boy band that gave six packer ab JT his start....they hit play and started dancing around the house singing the songs word for word.  Oh yes, I was a very proud mama!

I know all of you haters out there are rolling your eyes at me right now but...for those of us who went to countless concerts, tried to get into a meet and greet, saved our cash to buy anything with the name NSYNC and made it our mission to know everything there was to know about these was a blast, wasn't it?

Whether you were 15 or 21...doesn't matter.  You are and always will be a fan.
Now on to the next generation of NSYNCers...may they have a reunion some day!  Ha ha ha.

Have a great afternoon!
"Bye, Bye, Bye"

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Another Thought About The Power Of Friendship...

This evening gave me a wonderful chance to spend time with some amazing people.  First half of the night was spent with my mother, sister and brother.  They came over tonight to celebrate my sister Dana's Sweet 16.  We had decorations, An Italian feast, presents and just the greatest time.  Everytime I see my brother and sister I feel a constant connection full of love, fun and understanding...even if we may not agree with our music tastes.  LOL
Seeing my mom is always special.  We just sit and talk about everything and I am reminded of not just what a great mother she is to me but of what a great friend too.  I can share anything with her without judgement or disappointment.  I love you mom!

The night ended with my best friend coming over from across the street with one of her friends and the night turned into a deep conversation of losing ones closest to you, boyfriends who take advantage of you and how us three woman are on a path to allow God to remind us of who he wants us to be and get on that path.  There was a very special bond that happen tonight and I felt closer to these beautiful women more than ever.  Without friendship with peers or family...makes life difficult and boring.

Hang on to those people who are there to support you, to encourage you and to tell you that you are worth so much more than what you think you are,

Thanks Dave, Dana, Mom, Patricia, Christina and of course the love of my life...Deano

Con Molto Amore, PAIGER